Saturday, February 10, 2007

How many calories do you burn?

So, this thing is kinda cool if you're working out at home and don't have ready access to a calorie counter-ma-bob on your workout apparatus (like, as far as I know, exer-balls don't have a meter running as you're slaving away on them).

Check it out.

Also, if you're interested in simply ESTIMATING the number of calories you've burned, then here's your list (not all activities are on this first page. Have a click around to find YOUR preferred sweating method.) Remember, be honest about your exertion level!

That is all for now. I must go research how many calories nonstop coughing burns in an hour. Daggone stupid virusy cold-a-ma-whatsit.


Biff Spiffy said...

Sweet! Thanks for posting that. It's highly disappointing that working myself to a nub on the stairstepper burns so few calories... sex is better. Hmm....

tiff said...

Just remember, you'd have to have the sex last for as long as you'd do the stairstepper.

I'm just sayin' you might want to check with Mrs Spiffy on that, is all.